Monday, May 21

dewasakah saya?

lama pulak tak lawat blog ni.
eventhough banyak kali bukak pun,
selalunya takde idea nak tulis pasal apa.
tangguh nak tulis new entry sampailah saat ini.
cuti sem.2 bulan kot.
so,the only thing i can do to spend my leisure time is online.or eating.
always end up doing both in the same time anyway.
lepas tu mulalah cakap berat naik,pipi dah tembam.alah,girlss.*chuckles

mengikut adat cuti sem,balik rumah of course naek bas.maklumlah public transport ni lagi terjamin.
especially bagi orang-orang yang takde lesen macam aku ni.
time naek bas,memang pening giler.
sebelah takde orang,so dengan tak segan silu tidur secara freestlye di situ.
long story short,before balik rumah aku ngan adek  aku yang sorang je tu jalan2 tengok phone.
and there he of my dream.myr 1699.
dalam otak mula berkira2 duit yg ada di dalam dompet.
bagi budak 18 tahun mcm aku ni,duit sebanyak tu hanyalah datang dari satu source.
mak ayah.
tapi,it's impossible for my parents to give such a thing to me.
"nak ke?beli guna duit sendiri.kan dah besar sekarang."
my mum always said this everytime i whining about wanting this or that.
plus this phrase,"jangan guna duit biasiswa.tu amanah."

normally,i'll keep whining and give thousand excuses to get what i want.
but,take a moment to think.
for a normal teen,kita semua mesti nak up to date semua benda.
fashion,gadget,entertaiment and seribu satu macam.
rambut nak stail korea,shawl nak lilit2 mcm hana tajima.
but,for me,how hard i tried to coping with all that,i always have my limitations.
and i'm sure we all does.

take a step back before nak shopping segala harung.
do we keep the priority right?
tak salah nak nak bersuka,tapi kena berjaga-jaga.
woah,it ryhmes.
and i'm still planning to get that phone.
but surely with my own efforts.should start looking for part-time job.
and finishing my driving licence goal.
feels like i'm slowly growing up.
literally.i don't think physically could be possible.
150 even seem far away.
hope everything will okay.

Saturday, April 7


peace be upon you.

it's been a while since the last time i posted an entry.
i blog for fun,so i don't make it a obligation to myself to post something new whenever i got time.
lately,i have been occupied myself with a lot of work.
due to my studies of course.
and with all that stuff,plus with money restriction
i now longing to watch the hunger games.

my friends keep talking about it.
it doesn't bother me at all at first,
but everytime i'm online,it's everywhere on facebook or twitter.
and being a student who have her life on scholarship,i can only shut the computer off and..

now,i really feel....somehow sad.

and i'm craving for rojak ayam lately.maybe i just bored with the choice of food here.

Sunday, March 18

Day 05

peace be upon you. =D

Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to

fun fair kat melaka.

dah lama tak pergi fun fair.
last time maybe around the past two years.
ni first time pergi ngan member so rasa cam bebas giler.
since kitorang pergi malam,so taklar banyak sangat game yang berjaya ditakluki.
sempat main 2 game je.
tapi tu pun dah pening+nak muntah+scary giler.
i'm not the afraid of height punyer person.but the speed makes me feel like being thrown away from the ride.

ali baba ride

can't remember the name.galaxy ....... ride.
naek ni sumpah pening.

pening-pening lalat. =P

then,we head out to dataran pahlawan nak cari tempat makan.

dataran pahlawan at night.ramai je lepak sini malam2.siap ngan bikers lagi.

tapi yang buka hanya fast food chain seperti mcd,a&w and aper2 yang sewaktu dengan nyer.
memandangkan kitorang ni gadis2 melayu terakhir,maka kami membuat keputusan untuk mencari kedai mamak.
jalan punya jalan,sampai kat jonker walk.
char kuew tau mali lor.ngan telur hangit.aper ar abg ensem goreng telur hangit.
before balik kitorang beli t-shirt comel i love melaka.
sangat kawaii tapi abg yang jual tu cam aper je.
to usahawan out there,here some advice.
be nice to your customer.they are the king okay.baru niaga maju.
teringat plak time tolong makcik kat gerai dulu2.
customer above all.
end of the story,i'm having an awesome experience.
at the fun fair.dataran pahlawan.and jonker walk.
thanks for farahlatep,syikin,jiha ngan leeza for the craziness along the way.
and ezureen yg bagi pinjam kereta.dan pak guard micet yg sanggup tunggu time nak kunci pagar.

Saturday, March 17

Day 4


Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have

i tend to shop whenever i see the word 'sale'.
and it cost me a lot.

Monday, March 12

Day 3

peace be upon you. : )

        Day 03- A picture of you and your friends

some picture with my friend way back in kuala nerang.
have thousand more with my other friend but i might ended up with too much picture.
and credit for picasa 3 that helps me edit2 this photo. =)

Sunday, March 4

Day 02

  Day 02- The meaning behind your Blogger name


miss tu stand for a single woman lar kan.
 and my first name diana.long name short,ambik first letter je.
lagipun ramai je member panggil d.or didi.or panda.
banyak rupanya nickname saya ni erk.
simple kan?
keep it simple is the best way to express yourself.

Sunday, February 26

Day 01

·         Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

flowerhorn at a famosa resort.
17 feb 2012

and the 15 interesting but lame facts about me.

tak reti bawak kenderaan beroda dua.termasuklah basikal.
suka tengok bintang time malam.cantik giler!
i have nyctophobia.
geli dengan ular.sangat.even yang dalam gambar pon.
hate thriller movies.the pain in the movie felt real.
sangat suka pisang.yummy!
suka main hujan.
shop when stressed.
my height x sampai pun 150 cm.
love cooking and baking.chocolate moist is my speciality.=)
quarrel all the time with my younger sister.her fault mostly.
love pastel colours.
dying to have driving licence.
find almost everything either funny or cute.
selalu gelak2 bila cakap dalam phone.people can hardly understand what i'm saying because of the laughs.=P sori~